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Closeup of car. FSAE Competition 2023

Founded in 1997 at the University of Saskatchewan, Huskie Formula Racing is an interdisciplinary team of students who design and fabricate an open-wheeled race car to compete in the annual Formula SAE competitions. The team is currently comprised of students from the College of Engineering, Edwards School of Business, and the College of Arts and Science.

SAE International Banner

Formula SAE is a collegiate design competition series governed by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE International). Annual competitions are held in Michigan, Ontario, California, and formerly Nebraska, and are attended by teams from around the world. Competitions cater to both electric and internal combustion vehicles, however IC vehicles are more prevalent. The Formula SAE series have become high profile events recognized by the media and attended by thousands of spectators and competitors from across Canada, the United States, and abroad.

HFR presentation at Formula SAE competition.

For the competition, students assume a manufacturing firm has hired them to produce a prototype race car intended for the non-professional weekend racer. Teams are evaluated in a number of categories including: business and marketing logic, engineering design, cost effectiveness, manufacturing feasibility, vehicle acceleration, vehicle handling, fuel economy, and high performance track endurance. The competition provides students experience with a meaningful engineering project to supplement the theoretical training they receive in the classroom.

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